It sounds like either the original page or the one being redirected to
is being controlled by container managed security, configured in web.xml.


Jim Collings wrote:
> I want to send a user to the welcome page if they don't have something
> set in their session.
> I have an interceptor that works fine otherwise.  It returns either
> invocation.invoke() OR it returns Action.LOGIN.  Problem is that I
> can't get the LOGIN result to map properly. How is this done?  I've
> tried specifying a global-result in the struts.xml in the package but
> no dice. It still doesn't send the user to the welcome page, instead
> it prompts for userid/password which is not at all what I had in mind.
> Anybody got a clue regarding this?  A friend says it is related to
> global forwards.
> Jim C.
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