I believe I understand what you are trying to accomplish:
Ignoring the details (dojo, struts <html:form>, etc) for now... at a
high level, you want to render a page containing a list of items.  You
want to enable a user to get low-level details on any one of those
So far so good?  
While there are plenty of ways to accomplish this, I don't want to
confuse you further so I'll only cover the simplest scenario:
Assuming each of these items has single unique identifier that can be
used to retrieve the details (your "change number"?) and a single simple
small description that will give the use a clue what that item refers to
(your "description"?)...
You want two pages: 

        one that will render the entire list of items (but only this
simple small description for each item) 
        one that will render all the low-level details for only one item

You want two different DAO methods:

        one that retrieves a List of all items' change number and
        one that retrieves one item's details (description, creation
date, user, workspace...) given the item's change number

You want two struts actions:

        one that calls the DAO's list method, puts the List into the
httprequest, and renders the list page
        one that calls the DAO's details method, puts those details into
a single object and puts that object into the httprequest, and renders
the details page

On the list page: create a <form> whose action points to the struts
details action.  
Create a <select> element, and populate its options from the list in the
http request.  
Make each <option>'s value = the item's change number 
Make each <option>'s text = the item's description.
On the details page, render attributes of the details object (found in
the http request).  
If you follow this approach, chances are any problem you run into will
be one that can be described in a clear and concise manner.  Once you
get this working correctly, you have the building blocks to do more
advanced things like ajax interactions.  But if you don't have a firm
grasp on the basics you'll only end up frustrating yourself and wasting
a lot your time.  
Good luck,


        From: Hanen Ben Rhouma [mailto:hanen...@gmail.com] 
        Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:00 AM
        To: Struts Users Mailing List
        Subject: Re: Problem Sumitting Struts Form containing a drop
down list <html:optionsCollection>
        If I give code details, no one will show interest with so much
details and with only the description of my requirement no one also
could understand, that's pretty complicated you know!!
        Well, let me represent it with another approach, by screeshots
maybe is better (please take a look at my jsp page shown in the attached
screeshot). By selecting one change ID I'd like to forward my form to
another jsp page representing the details of the selected change
(description, change number, creation date, user, workspace...). 
        The problem is that I'm either using dojo to code the drop down
list from user side (and the mapping between simple <input> parameters
and a struts form <html:form> isn't that trivial to do), or I've tried
also to code it from server side (eventhough it's too slow) by using a
struts form <html:form action="someAction"> containing
<html:optionsCollection> to represent the dynamic drop down list (here
the problem is that <html:optionsCollection> will make use of the struts
action "someAction" to retrieve the data necessary to fill the drop down
list and not to code the form's behavior after submitting it.
        Hope that my point is clearer this time, I'll be really grateful
if someone got a clue to all this headache :(((
        On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Kawczynski, David
<david_kawczyn...@merck.com> wrote:

                I'd love to be able to help but am confused with what
you are having
                trouble with.  I think I heard something about wanting
to modify the
                action of a form based on the value selected in a
drop-down.  I also
                heard something about forwarding to another jsp page.
If you can
                clarify your intent you may end up with a good pointer
or two.

                > -----Original Message-----
                > From: Hanen Ben Rhouma [mailto:hanen...@gmail.com]
                > Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 12:49 PM
                > To: Struts Users Mailing List
                > Subject: Problem Sumitting Struts Form containing a
drop down
                > list <html:optionsCollection>
                > Please, I need your help: I've spent more than one
week on trying to
                figure out how to submit a struts 1 form containing a
drop down list
                (using optionsCollection). The problem is that the items
in the
                optionsCollection refer to the action assigned to the
form while I need
                that same action to submit my form and trigger the
forward to another
                jsp page.  I'm loosing my cool temper in front of such
futility, any
                ideas PLEASE???
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