no help on this one?

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:43 PM, Bhaarat Sharma <>wrote:

> We have seen situations where sometimes the global resource bundles are
> lost intermittently for some sessions.  We are in a clustered/shared
> environment where multiple apps are deployed onto a GlassFishV2 server.
> Multiple apps share the struts2 core jars.
> We have some pages where we have written a custom Resource loader and
> everything looks fine on these pages. Problem is on pages that utilize
> <s:text name=""/>. Our properties files reside globally in
> WEB-INF/lib
> Our custom resource loader works as follows in a JSP
> <%CustomMessageResrouce cusResource = new
> CustomMessageResource("Resource")%>
> <%= cusResource.getMessage("")%>
> Java code for it looks like:
> import java.util.ResourceBundle;
> ResourceBundle resource = ResourceBundle.getBundle(baseName);
> So we know that loading properties into resourcebundles and using them as
> shown above works.
> My question is..can we do the same for struts2. Can we forcefully load the
> resourcebundles inside java.util.ResourceBundle and then have them be used
> in <s:text> tag?

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