thanks. i won't go that route. i noticed your example (in the first
response) and i realized that i may trying to push some business logic
into the Action class. and, i don't think that's too good of a
practice. i simply revised my Service class to hold these values
(booleans, String, int, etc...) and now the problem goes away. it's a

if anyone is reading this post and knows how to use struts2 (w/
convention plugin) + spring to construct Action classes, please let me
know. the examples i've seen are only with struts1 (and though not too
complicated, seem verbose with the xml).

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:20 AM, James Cook <> wrote:
> Yeah sorry, short on time here, didn't see your question at the bottom. Add 
> the spring jar from the spring project.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake Vang []
> Sent: 13 May 2010 11:16
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to "wire" an action class
> doesn't answer the question but thanks anyways.
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:12 AM, James Cook <> wrote:
>> Nope, no they are not in the xml for me. I use the @Service/@Repository 
>> annotations on the class, coupled with the component scan in the Spring xml.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jake Vang []
>> Sent: 13 May 2010 11:09
>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to "wire" an action 
>> class
>> well, there's something strange about struts2 (with convention plugin)
>> + spring. if your action has a field representing a service,
>> MyInjectedService myInjectedService, you just have to define that in
>> the spring xml file. for example, your Action class looks like the
>> following.
>> public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
>>  private Service service;
>> �...@action(value="/dummy")
>>  public String dummy() { return SUCCESS; }
>>  public Service getService() { return service; }
>>  public void setService(Service service) { this.service = service; }
>> }
>> in your spring xml file (i.e. applicationContext.xml), you simply
>> define a bean with the id="service". for example,
>> <bean id="service" class="my.class.Service"/>
>> that's it; you don't have to do anything else. you don't even have to
>> explicitly say (using XML) to inject this when you are creating an
>> instance of MyAction. now when a user accesses /dummy, MyAction will
>> be created and its service field will actually be injected with what
>> is specified in the spring xml file.
>> what irks me or  bothers me is that it is not obvious at the moment
>> how to simply inject strings or booleans into the Action class. it
>> should be just as simple.
>> upon analyzing what i am doing, and in light of what you said, perhaps
>> i am trying to push some logic into the Action class that shouldn't be
>> there. perhaps i should push the logic to a service class instead. in
>> this case, this problem goes away. BUT, the question remains, how can
>> i use DI with struts2 (convention plugin)  and spring on Action
>> classes? or can i not? if i can't, end of story. if i can, how?
>> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:44 AM, James Cook <> wrote:
>>> Hmm. I use the same combo.
>>> I found at some point I could jsut do
>>> public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
>>> private MyInjectedService service
>>> etc etc
>>> But I have started doing:
>>> public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
>>> @Autowired
>>> private MyInjectedService service
>>> I am not sure if that alters the way Struts2/Spring does it. But it does
>>> make it a bit clearer to read.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jake Vang []
>>> Sent: 13 May 2010 10:23
>>> To:
>>> Subject: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to "wire" an action
>>> class
>>> i am using struts and the convention plugin. i am also using
>>> spring for dependency injections (DI). my question is if it is
>>> possible to to use struts2 + convention plugin with spring for DI on
>>> my Action classes? i have searched  the internet but only seen
>>> examples using struts 1 + spring for DI on Action classes. the
>>> convention plugin makes life simpler (no XML), but also, partially
>>> because of little documentation, makes it uneasy to do certain things.
>>> i wonder if this is part of the reason why DI on Action classes using
>>> spring + struts is not obvious for me.
>>> Here's a simple code. This is my action class.
>>> public class SpringWiringAction extends ActionSupport {
>>>  private String message = "no dependency injection";
>>> �...@action(value="/spring-wiring")
>>>  public String springWiring() {
>>>  return SUCCESS;
>>>  }
>>>  public String getMessage() { return message; }
>>>  public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; }
>>> }
>>> My "view" or the JSP page corresponding to the Action is:
>>> /webapp/WEB-INF/content/spring-wiring-success.jsp.
>>> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
>>> pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
>>> <%...@taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s" %>
>>> <html>
>>>  <head><title>Test Spring Wiring</title</head>
>>>  <body>
>>>  <s:property value="message"/>
>>>  </body>
>>> </html>
>>> My web.xml is setup according to
>>> My spring XML file (/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml) is defined
>>> as following.
>>> ...
>>> <bean id="placeholderConfig"
>>> class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfi
>>> gurer">
>>>  <property name="location"
>>> value="WEB-INF/"/>
>>> </bean>
>>> ...
>>> <bean name="/spring-wiring" class="">
>>>  <property name="message" value="${message}"/>
>>> </bean>
>>> My /webapp/WEB-INF/ file then has this
>>> content.
>>> message=dependency inject success
>>> when i start up tomcat 6, everything starts up correctly and there are
>>> no complaints. however, when i go to
>>> http://localhost/webapp/spring-wiring, the message that gets displayed
>>> is "no dependency injection".
>>> is there something that i am missing using spring + struts2 (with the
>>> convention plugin) to use DI on Actions?
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