> Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:50:17 +0200
> Subject: Struts, Spring, Hibernate and multiple Sessionfactories
> From: eduard.neuw...@googlemail.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Hello,
> I am looking for an elegant solution for the following situation.
> I have a multitenant struts/spring/hibernate application. Every tenant is
> stored in own database within the same RDBMS. All databases has the same
> schema. 
MG>a database schema represents the entire structure (tables and relationships 
of those tables) of the Database
MG>there is no need for multiple databases when your database schema contains 
the persisted entities (tables)

At the spring layer every tenant is represented as a datasource.
MG>perhaps there is some confusion as to the meaning of the term datasource ?
MG>In hibernate a datasource is the URL string which provides connection 
attributes to your database e.g.

> Because I use the Hibernate I have to create multiple SessionFactories to
MG> Hibernate SessionFactory Documentation
MG>Usually an application will create
 * a single <tt>Configuration</tt>,
 * build a single instance of<tt>SessionFactory</tt> 
 * and then instantiate <tt>Session</tt>s in threads servicing client requests. 
 * The <tt>Configuration</tt> is meant
 * only as an initialization-time object. 
 * <tt>SessionFactory</tt>s are
 * immutable and do not retain any association back to the
 * <tt>Configuration</tt>.<br>
 * <br>
 * A new <tt>Configuration</tt> will use the properties specified in
 * <tt>hibernate.properties</tt> by default.
MG> Configuration->SessionFactory->1..n->Session
MG>using Hibernate as your implementing template and assuming you have a valid 
java.sql.Connection all you have to do is create
MG>an EmptyInterceptor object constructed from the parameters of the available 
MG>then call SessionFactory.openSession to obtain the session
     * Open a {...@link Session}, utilizing the specfied JDBC {...@link 
Connection} and
     * specified {...@link Interceptor}.
     * <p>
     * Note that the second-level cache will be disabled if you supply a JDBC
     * connection. Hibernate will not be able to track any statements you might
     * have executed in the same transaction.  Consider implementing your own
     * {...@link org.hibernate.connection.ConnectionProvider} instead as a 
     * recommended alternative.
     * @param connection a connection provided by the application.
     * @param interceptor a session-scoped interceptor
     * @return The created session.
    public org.hibernate.classic.Session openSession(Connection connection, 
Interceptor interceptor);

OR in the case of Spring
public static Session getSession(SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean 
> How can I provide the correct Seesionfactory to the UserSession in struts.
> Once I have is the tenantId stored in UserSession itself.
> Please help
> Eduard

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