If you are talking about per Java package, not that I know of.  If you mean
per Struts package, same thing.  But if you mean per jar file, there is a
way.  If you set your contextConfigLocation to something like
"WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml,classpath*:pluginContext.xml" then Spring
will load your Application wide context from the WEB-INF directory (or you
can make that WEB-INF/classes if you want), then it will load each
pluginContext.xml file it finds on the CLASSPATH.  Since the root directory
of each jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory is considered to be on the
CLASSPATH, it will automatically include those beans, kind of like the start
of a Plug-In architecture.  You can so a similar thing with the
struts-plugin.xml support built into Struts 2 to make a pretty robust
Plug-in system in your application.

2010/11/12 Josep María Formentí Serra <jmforme...@aia.es>

> Hi,
> We are working in a new project using struts2 + spring + hibernate. We have
> many packages defined in struts.xml, one for module. We have configured
> spring using this guide:
> http://struts.apache.org/2.0.14/docs/spring-plugin.html, where you define
> one spring context (using the context param: contextConfigLocation). Is it
> possible to define a different spring context for each struts package?
> Thanks in advance,
>  Josep Maria
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -
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> Grupo AIA - http://www.aia.es
> Josep Mª Formentí Serra
> jmforme...@aia.ptv.es
> Telf.: +34 93 504 49 00 Fax.: +34 93 580 21 88
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