Hi Folks,

I have a set of radio buttons and text fields that display based on user
selections from prior page. This code:

<s:iterator value="deniedAreas" status="rowstatus">
          <s:radio name="conclusion.radio%{#rowstatus.index}"
          <s:textfield name="conclusion.text%{rowstatus.index}"/>

displays it fine and names the radio/text inputs, but is there any other way
to accept this info in my submit action than hard coding the field names in
the Action or the Conclusion entity in the Action? I am trying to avoid that
because everything this section is based on is dynamic. I am using JPA for
persistence, and I can handle this there with @ElementCollection but the
radio/text inputs having different names are getting in the way.

Basically I need to capture a yes/no and explanation of each box selected in
a different part of app.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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