Use a map or array rather than actual field names that include the index as
part of the field names.

 On Feb 17, 2011 12:04 PM, "Nick Broadhurst" <> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have a set of radio buttons and text fields that display based on user
> selections from prior page. This code:
> <s:iterator value="deniedAreas" status="rowstatus">
> <s:property/>
> <s:radio name="{#rowstatus.index}"
> list="#{'Yes':'Yes','No':'No'}"></s:radio>
> <s:textfield name="conclusion.text%{rowstatus.index}"/>
> </s:iterator>
> displays it fine and names the radio/text inputs, but is there any other
> to accept this info in my submit action than hard coding the field names
> the Action or the Conclusion entity in the Action? I am trying to avoid
> because everything this section is based on is dynamic. I am using JPA for
> persistence, and I can handle this there with @ElementCollection but the
> radio/text inputs having different names are getting in the way.
> Basically I need to capture a yes/no and explanation of each box selected
> a different part of app.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Nick

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