You can always make a request aware struts action that returns a stream (not
a jsp) and inside the action You can put everything You want to check the
Open the file with a fileinputstream from an internal resource directory.

Enviado desde mi Nexus S
Miguel Ruiz Velasco Sobrino
On Feb 16, 2011 11:55 AM, "Brian Thompson" <> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Dave Newton <>
>> 2011/2/16 Luis Eric López Fernández wrote:
>> > I am thinking to do something that will completely destroy the purpose
>> > struts hehe.. I will add a servlet to handle all the requests different
>> than
>> > .action and there I will redirect to an error page. =S
>> How will you request them from within the JSP?
> About the only way I see to accomplish this requirement is to check on
> HTTP_REFERER somehow ... but that's hardly reliable.
> Really, this seems a lot like a requirement that leads to ... mean people
> writing javascript to replace the context menu with "Copyright
> alerts.
> -Brian

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