Check back in the list; we just discussed this topic within the last few days.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Eric Lentz <> wrote:
>> I'm working on a legacy system that is built on jsp.  In one of the jsps
>> I need to include a velocity template.  The template does not require
>> access to any dynamic data.
> Struts lets you use Velocity instead of JSPs as an option. Using JSPs
> *and* Velocity isn't an out-of-the-box type of thing, I don't believe.
> What I might consider, and there might be a better way, would be to use a
> String type field in my action, render the Velocity template within the
> action (or in a facade, helper or extended class) and assign that output
> to the String. Then, in the JSP, use a <s:property > where the name of it
> is the String that you assigned the output from Velocity. That should just
> dump everything that was rendered from the template.
> Make sense? Other people with better ideas?
> - Eric

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