Thank you for a quick response. I was able to resolve the user login issue
as per your fix but I'm still having hard time figuring out what needs to
be done for multiple independent approval requests.  Could you please
provide some suggestions/clues on what needs to be added/modified in the
workflow to get multiple approval requests working?


On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò <
> wrote:

> On 21/01/2016 14:49, Dhairya wrote:
>> I've been evaluating Syncope (v1.2.6) for about 3 weeks. I was able to
>> figure out most of the stuff we need to do (like syncing, provisioning,
>> basic role approval)
> Hi Dhairya,
> this looks good.
> but we also have a requirement that user be able to submit multiple
>> independent approval requests. I did setup basic approval as indicated on
>> but it seems the
>> user can only submit one approval request and once the user is waiting
>> approval, he is unable to login into his own profile.
> You need to add the status in which the user is brought after the first
> approval request to the "authentication.statuses" parameter - from admin
> console go under Configuration then click on itemized list icon on top
> right corner.
> The scenario we have is like this...
>> We have several approval roles based on the application you're requesting
>> access to.
>> app-a-approver-role
>>       app-a1-role
>>       app-a1-role
>> app-b-approver-role
>>       app-b1-role
>>       app-b2-role
>> app-c-approver-role
>>       app-c1-role
>>       app-c2-role
>> So if the user selects app-a1-role, app-b1-role, and  app-c2-role then we
>> need to generate three independent approval request to
>> app-a-approver-role, app-b-approver-role and app-c-approver-role.
>> if app-a-approver and app-b-approver approve then the user will be
>> assigned app-a1-role and app-b1-role and if app-c-approver-role rejects
>> then the user won't be assigned app-c2-role.
>> How do I setup something like this?
> Essentially, you'll need to expand the logic introduced in the post
> mentioned above: it is indeed feasible, but not elementary.
> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
> member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC, CXF committer

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