Il 28/06/2016 12:08, Jonas Israelsson ha scritto:

On 24/06/16 14:05, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 24/06/2016 14:00, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 24/06/2016 13:58, Jonas Israelsson wrote:

Running 2.0.0-M3 and have hooked up a connector to my openldap server.

First sync, no problem all users are placed in the local storage. Second sync however, even though the sync is marked as successful I see from the logs syncope are trying to reinsert all entrys to the local storage and fail due to key violation. I have set the matching rule to update, and use the uid as remote key, mapped to the local username field.

Can I create this behaviour by misconfiguration, or do we have a bug here ?

It is quite common to fall into such issues when configuring an LDAP resource; please take this (quite old, but still applying) post of mine as reference:

Please let me know if that improves the situation.
That blog post explains how to setup an ldap-connector, under the impression I'm beyond that point. If I miss the obvious may I please ask you to elaborate ? I have no problem (via the connector) getting the data from my directory service. My problem is I fail to convince syncope not to add already synced users a new ones.

The post explains how to correctly setup the connector AND the resource mapping so that you can avoid the problem you have above (plus some additional things, BTW).

In particular, I would check the value provided for 'Uid Attribute' in the connector configuration - which is safe to set to 'cn' when managing both users and groups.
Please check all other parameters as well.
While I have got this somewhat working, it does not work as I'd like it to. The problem (with key violation) occurs when leaving 'Uid Attribute' to it's default value entryUUID. Not sure I have fully understood the meaning of the 'Uid Attribute' but if it's meant to create a local unique identifier mapped to the remote entry, the entryUUID would in my humble opinion be the best candidate. By the way, if 'Uid Attribute' is meant to be used for this correlation, of what usage is then the remote key on the field mapping ?

When not using entryUUID I'm not quite sure how syncope should be configured to be compatible with a directory service layout using different rdn such as uid for users and cn for groups. I though I could work around this by creating two resources with different 'uid attribute'. However with this approach I found no way on how to populate the groups with members.

So to sum things up.

Hi Jonas,

1) Is the entryUUID as 'Uid Attribute' by design not supposed to work in syncope ?

entryUUID should work in Syncope very well. Probably, the trouble that you have is in your mapping. I mean, if you are using the default 'Uid Attribute' you have to map it as remote key by specifying entryUUID as "External attribute" and by checking "Remote key" flag for it.

2) If so, is there a way to join data from different resources (user from one with groups from another) ?
Yes, you can but you have to provide an ad-hoc synchronization action class.
I'm quite sure you cannot use the once provided by default as is.

Best regards,

Fabio Martelli

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Apache Syncope PMC

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