
as suggested, we started to work on the easiest case, we created the Group1 in Syncope manually and we inserted into the database column "Group" the entry "Group1".

We implemented only an "after" in this case: we pulled the information into Syncope and after the java is running.

Following the log we see that:

 * we are able to find the user, and his userkey
 * we are able to find the group column (a new custom field into Syncope)
 * we are able to find the group key of the group into Syncope, based
   on the group column found in the previous point
 * we create the membership based on the group key (final MembershipTO
   membershipTO = new
 * we add the membership to the user.

Checking the return value of the last "add(membershipTO)", we see that it's returning a "true", therefore we think that everything went well, but when we enter into the admin console of Syncope, the user has not being assigned to the Group1.

Is there a missing step?


On 03/03/17 19:49, Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro wrote:


Il 03/03/2017 15:53, Tech ha scritto:

Hello Francesco,

we went through the directory core/src/test/resources/scriptedsql, but we didn't find any concrete example that might help us to implement what we might need to do, we were expecting that the solution was in the PullActions, but we didn't understood that that was addressing only __ACCOUNT__ and not groups.

What steps should be followed to assign the User1 to Group1 in Syncope when the information into the database are something like


User1            |    Group1

User2            |    Group1

The Scripted Sqlallows to synchronize users, groups or any type. Groovy script gives the possibility to specify which type of object you like to manage, for example, during a search you can add different case statement one for each type:

switch ( objectClass ) {
case "__ACCOUNT__":
  sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Users " + where",
{result.add([__UID__:it.id, __NAME__:it.id, ID:it.id, NAME:it.name, ...,....])} );

case "__GROUPS__":
  sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Groups " + where",
{result.add([__UID__:it.id, __NAME__:it.id, ID:it.id, NAME:it.name, ...,....])} );

case "__DEPARTMENT__":
  sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM Departments " + where",
{result.add([__UID__:it.id, __NAME__:it.id, NAME:it.name, DEPARTMENT:it.department, ...,....])} );


In order to assign a group to a user, you must implement a pull action. But before doing this, you have to know if thegroups already exist on Syncope or are to be created simultaneously with the users. In the first case you need to implement a simpler action:

final UserTO userTO = (UserTO) entity;

Group group = groupDAO.findByName(groupName);
   if (group == null) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Group not found");

final MembershipTO membershipTO = new MembershipTO.Builder().group(group.getKey()).build();

second case you must create the group (with dao)

Group group = groupDAO.findByName(groupName);
     if (group == null) {
group = entityFactory.newEntity(Group.class);
group = groupDAO.save(courseGroup);

and then assign it to the user during the after action.



On 01/03/17 14:40, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
are you sure that you are using the Scripted SQL connector?
The Database Table connector, in fact, only provides support for the __ACCOUNT__ ObjectClass, e.g. only for users, as suggested by the error below.

In order to use the Scripted SQL connector, you must also provide the adequate Groovy scripts matching your own database schema; some samples can be found under the


directory of your generated Maven project.


On 27/02/2017 17:47, Tech wrote:


coming back to this point: we prepared the code to integrate the group propagation from a DB to Syncope but we encountered some problems.

Before integrating the code that we developed, we started to add the concept of Group into our system.

  * Our database has a column called "role", where the only content
    is "GroupTest".
  * We created the group "GroupTest" also in Syncope to have a 1:1
  * We created the type "role" and we put it into the "BaseGroup"
  * We go back to the resources and we Edit provision rules, we add
    a Group that we map with name:role.

Since now on, every Pull, also the one for the Users, will terminate in a FAILURE with the error:

org.quartz.JobExecutionException: While pulling from connector [See nested exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Operation requires an Account ObjectClass.] at org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.java.pushpull.PullJobDelegate.doExecuteProvisioning(PullJobDelegate.java:284) at org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.java.pushpull.PullJobDelegate.doExecuteProvisioning(PullJobDelegate.java:60) at org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.java.pushpull.AbstractProvisioningJobDelegate.doExecute(AbstractProvisioningJobDelegate.java:558) at org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.java.job.AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate.execute(AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate.java:96)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)

Removing the mapping of the group, everything will turn back to normality.

Any idea why this could happen?


On 06/02/17 17:58, Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro wrote:

Il 06/02/2017 17:41, Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro ha scritto:


Il 06/02/2017 17:11, Tech ha scritto:

Dear experts,

we're pulling information from a database. We want to assign automatically a group to a user.

The original table has a format like

-- "USERNAME" : "user01"

-- "ROLE": "employee"

In a pull task is possible to add a template. The template can be used for setting default values on entities during a pull task. To configure a template go to Topology --> select the external resource to pull --> Pull Task and click the Template icon [1 Pull Templates].

[1] https://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#provisioning-pull

If a User is associated to a Group in your Database, and you like assign the corresponding User as a member of the corresponding Group in Syncope, you must implement a Pull Action [1]. Connid doesn't implement the assignment of a membership, so to obviate we can use a pull action.

[1] https://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#pullactions

We want the user being created into Syncope associated to the already existing group "employee", but we don't see how to create this association.

Is there any reference that we should check?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Dott. Marco Di Sabatino Di Diodoro
Tel. +39 3939065570

Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale D'Annunzio 267 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 0859111173

Apache Syncope PMC Member

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