Hi John,

Thanks for your email. Do you have some Pull requests/suggestions for how
to make the Jar less bloated? We are open to your feedback?


Chris Mattmann

-----Original Message-----
From: John Patrick <nhoj.patr...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: <user@tika.apache.org>
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 9:46 AM
To: <user@tika.apache.org>
Subject: Jackson & Fat tika-server jar question

> hiya,
>I'm working with an existing code base that is using Jackson 2.6.3. Now
>adding tika but because the tika-server jar containers Jackson 2.4.0
>having lots of compile issues.
>1) Was it intentional to have a bloated/fat tika-server jar containing
>all dependencies?
>2) Can tika be upgraded to use Jackson 2.6.3 or newer?
>3) Can tika-server but corrected so it's not bloated with dependencies,
>or create tika-server with just org.apache.tika.server and
>tika-server-all which is the bloating version with dependencies?

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