There was a bug in some RTF files in 1.13, but that was fixed in 1.14 
(TIKA-1845).  We now have one rtf in our test suite for tika-server.

If you turn logging on, can you share a stacktrace, or can you share the 
offending file?

From: Allison A. []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 10:00 PM
Subject: Tika server RTF processing

I am wondering if the RTF parser is working in Tika server 1.13 or 1.14 via an 
Ajax call.

I have tried both versions, but it seems I was not able to pass an Ajax call to 
Tika server, getting the 422 error,unprocessable entity. It worked fine with 
other MS office documents, Word, Excel, etc except RTF.

Thanks in advance.


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