keinmensch wrote:
> ant elder wrote:
>> Hi Ivan, could you raise a JIRA for this and if possible attach to it
>> the sca contribution you're trying to get to work, and I or someone
>> else will try to get it fixed for you.
> Hi!
> Many thanks!
> I did try to look into the problem myself, but after four hours, I just
> felt like I had been walking around in circles. :-P
> I have prepared a unit test and will create a JIRA as soon as I have a
> little more time (later next week, I guess).
> Note that this issue is in no way critical to me and I am not in a hurry.
> Best wishes!
>  Ivan
Hello again!
After some more digging, I have found that there is already a unit test
that fails with a NullPointerException during circumstances that seems
indentical to those I have experienced.
So, before creatinga JIRA entry, I want to check with others to make
sure that this is not an isolated issue I am experiencing.
The unit test in question is:
Class: DeployerImplTestCase
Method: testBuild

Thanks and best wishes!

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