Thanks Ant for your reply. Much appreciated.
We are currently utilizing Tuscany 1.5.1 on WAS v7 (under the IBM
provided SCA feature pack). So ideally we would need it under
1.5.1....but that might not be ideal for you obviously.
I was wondering about custom extensions as well. It looks like the
wire format allows a custom wire format to be defined.
This doesn't seem to be quite the right spot though. The wire format
code uses a request and response message processors. Would this be the
right spot? Is there any way to provide a custom one of these?

Re: JMS bindings and correlation

ant elder
Thu, 07 Jan 2010 04:59:21 -0800

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Dan Hatfield <> wrote:
> The binding.jms spec seems to deal with messaging correlation on two fronts:
> 1) Using @correlationScheme to define the behavior of a service exposed via
> JMS bindings.
> 2) Using @JMSCorrelationID to define correlation behavior when interacting
> with a service via JMS
> However, it seems while @correlationScheme alllows you to define a pattern
> of behavior (RequestMsgIDToCorrelID or RequestCorrelIDToCorrelID),
> JMSCorrelationID simply allows for constants like
> JMSCorrelationID="12345"....
> Whereas what I'd really like is the ability to indicate a pattern of
> behavior like JMSCorrelationID="RequestMsgIDToCorrelID"....
> In other words, I want to tell a service using a reference that is bound to
> JMS bindings to interact with JMS using correlation. I would like JMS
> bindings to automatically look for a message on the response queue that has
> a correlation ID that matches the message ID on the message it just put onto
> the request queue (standard msg id to correlation id behavior). It doesn't
> seem like I can configure it do this.
> Am I missing something here? Does Tuscany provide any extensions that would
> allow me to do this?
> Otherwise, it seems I have to fall back on dynamic reply to queues. Any
> other options?
> Dan

You're right the spec doesn't define how to do that and Tuscany
doesn't currently provide any way to do that. Its interesting though
and seems like a reasonable thing to support. The spec doesn't
disallow this so we could easily enough add some code to the Tuscany
binding to handle it (I'll also mention it to the JMS spec chair to
see if this is something they've considered). If we did update Tuscany
to support this would you need this is 1.x or if it only went into the
latest OASIS based Tuscany 2.x code would you be able to use that?


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