By the way, Ant, I noticed this in the 1.1 binding spec:

For an SCA reference with a JMS binding, the SCA runtime MAY choose to
receive response messages on the basis of their correlation ID as defined by
the binding’s @correlationScheme attribute, or use a unique destination for
each response [BJM60006].

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:56 AM, Dan Hatfield <> wrote:

>  Thanks Ant for your reply. Much appreciated.
> We are currently utilizing Tuscany 1.5.1 on WAS v7 (under the IBM provided 
> SCA feature pack). So ideally we would need it under 1.5.1....but that might 
> not be ideal for you obviously.
> I was wondering about custom extensions as well. It looks like the wire 
> format allows a custom wire format to be defined.
> This doesn't seem to be quite the right spot though. The wire format code 
> uses a request and response message processors. Would this be the right spot? 
> Is there any way to provide a custom one of these?
> Re: JMS bindings and correlation
> ant elder
> Thu, 07 Jan 2010 04:59:21 -0800
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:30 AM, Dan Hatfield <> wrote:
> > The binding.jms spec seems to deal with messaging correlation on two fronts:
> >
> > 1) Using @correlationScheme to define the behavior of a service exposed via
> > JMS bindings.
> > 2) Using @JMSCorrelationID to define correlation behavior when interacting
> > with a service via JMS
> >
> > However, it seems while @correlationScheme alllows you to define a pattern
> > of behavior (RequestMsgIDToCorrelID or RequestCorrelIDToCorrelID),
> > JMSCorrelationID simply allows for constants like
> > JMSCorrelationID="12345"....
> >
> > Whereas what I'd really like is the ability to indicate a pattern of
> > behavior like JMSCorrelationID="RequestMsgIDToCorrelID"....
> >
> > In other words, I want to tell a service using a reference that is bound to
> > JMS bindings to interact with JMS using correlation. I would like JMS
> > bindings to automatically look for a message on the response queue that has
> > a correlation ID that matches the message ID on the message it just put onto
> > the request queue (standard msg id to correlation id behavior). It doesn't
> > seem like I can configure it do this.
> >
> > Am I missing something here? Does Tuscany provide any extensions that would
> > allow me to do this?
> >
> > Otherwise, it seems I have to fall back on dynamic reply to queues. Any
> > other options?
> >
> > Dan
> >
> You're right the spec doesn't define how to do that and Tuscany
> doesn't currently provide any way to do that. Its interesting though
> and seems like a reasonable thing to support. The spec doesn't
> disallow this so we could easily enough add some code to the Tuscany
> binding to handle it (I'll also mention it to the JMS spec chair to
> see if this is something they've considered). If we did update Tuscany
> to support this would you need this is 1.x or if it only went into the
> latest OASIS based Tuscany 2.x code would you be able to use that?
>   ...ant

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