On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Zoran Jeremic <jeremic1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>Does it matter how your JavaScript communicates with the server
>>- does it just need to make request-response style calls to the server
>>so the protocols can be handled and hidden by Tuscany, or do you need
>>control over that, for example to use jsonp or jsonrpc or a particular
>>toolkit like Dojo or JQuery?
> I'm not sure in the moment if I will have some specific requests regarding
> the protocols. I think not, but I need to exchange json like data (used to
> generate jsTree component) between server and client.
> I have already tried to use Dojo, as it looks like nice solution to my
> problem, but I couldn't make it works. I used provided examples, but I don't
> know if I have missed something. Here is a code:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>          var djConfig = {
>                  parseOnLoad: true,
>                  baseRelativePath: "dojo",
>                  isDebug: true,
>                  debugContainerId: "dojoDebug"
>                  };
>                  djConfig.usePlainJson=true ;
>     </script>
>         <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
>         <script type="text/javascript">
>             dojo.require("dojo.parser");
>             dojo.require("dojo.rpc.JsonService");
>         </script>
> ...
>          var smd=new
> dojo.rpc.JsonService("http://ZoranPC:8080/CreateLearningGoalsService?smd";);
>          var
> competences=smd.getAvailableCompetences().addCallback(contentCallBack);
> I always get error in Firebug
> smd.getAvailableCompetences is not a function.
> Did I miss something here. I didn't add anything Dojo related to the server.
> Do I need to use something there in other to connect client with Web
> Services.
> Zoran
> ________________________________

Could you please provide your composite file where you
define/configure your service

Luciano Resende

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