I have started working on a REST Binding, and the basic functionality
is now available.  The current functionality is documented at [1] or
[2] and some scenarios are available as interface-java-jaxrs and
binding-rest-runtime unit tests.

I'll continue to work some additional functionality on the next couple
weeks on the following areas :
 - Allow RPC style calls over HTTP GET operation
 - Tide up cache control functionality and allow declarative cache
control with possible field injection
 - Investigate possible integration between implementation.jaxrs and
 - Investigate possible integration with existent JAX-RS runtime to
provide JAX-RS parsing/matching of JAX-RS annotations
 - Provide a store sample application based on RESTFull services

[2] http://tuscany.apache.org/documentation-2x/sca-java-bindingrest.html

Luciano Resende

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