On 3/3/2011 7:47 AM, Greg Holmberg wrote:
> Hi UIMA users--
> I'm converting all my annotators to PEAR packaging.  I like having everything
> in one file, especially when there are many additional files that are part of
> the annotator--resources, config, data, etc.  It just makes it a lot easier to
> consume the annotator.
> So I'm using the PEAR packaging maven plug-in.  This works fine, but I was
> surprised when the PEAR file didn't get installed (i.e. it didn't show up
> under ~/.m2/repository).  It seems like a reasonable expectation--you build a
> jar artifact, it gets installed/deployed; you build a PEAR artifact, it should
> get installed/deployed.
> It appears I can make it happen with an explicit deploy command.
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=<my-repo> -Dfile=myannotator.PEAR
> -DgroupId=com.me.group -DartifactId=myannotator -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=pear
> But I'm not sure how I can make this happen automatically as part of the mvn
> build.  Can I specify <type>pear<type> in the pom?  That would require someone
> to register a lifecycle for the pear type, which no one has done, right?

I don't think this requires registering a lifecycle for pears.  You can add some
configuration to the build section of the pom for the project to "attach" the
pear file to the build output, so it will get deployed; see for example the
build-helper maven plugin goal attach-artifact.

> =====
> A related question.  Are there plans to deliver the annotators in UIMA (both
> core and contributed in the SandBox) as PEAR files in the Apache nexus
> repository?  I.e., so that an analysis engine developer could simply state a
> dependency on a set of PEAR artifacts, and get them automatically pulled down
> to his local drive (.m2/repository)?

Not that I know of, but this sounds like an interesting idea :-) .


> =====
> Then the question would be how to reference the .pear files from the AAE
> descriptor.  By name, I suppose, and then manage the datapath variable to
> include the paths into .m2/repository with the correct artifact version 
> numbers.
> Greg

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