OK, that’s reasonable—the last UIMA workshop I was at was at LREC in 2010, and 
there were a bunch of posters, which i why I asked.

On Jan 14, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Jens Grivolla <j+...@grivolla.net> wrote:

> As I understand it, poster presentations are only used as a way to offload 
> submissions that didn't make it as a "full paper". I don't think that such a 
> distinction is useful for this workshop and would prefer to have oral 
> presentations for all interesting contributions.
> If we expected to have significantly more contributions that can fit into the 
> schedule then concentrating some of them into a poster session might make 
> sense, but I don't think this is the case.
> If on the other hand posters were used to get additional visibility outside 
> of the workshop then this could be interesting...
> -- Jens
> On 14/01/14 18:36, Michael Tanenblatt wrote:
>> I’ll certainly be on the Program Committee, and am willing to help in any 
>> ways that I am able. Regarding the proposal, overall it looks pretty 
>> reasonable, but what is the reason for limiting to oral presentations and 
>> omitting posters?
>> ..m
>> On Jan 14, 2014, at 12:11 PM, Jens Grivolla <j+...@grivolla.net> wrote:
>>> Hello, there's only 5 days remaining to submit the workshop proposal. 
>>> Please anybody interested get in touch.
>>> I sent a mail to the GATE user list to get some input from them.  The 
>>> proposal draft is here: 
>>> https://github.com/jgrivolla/coling2014-nlp-framework-workshop/blob/master/proposal.md
>>> -- Jens
>>> On 19/12/13 13:29, Jens Grivolla wrote:
>>>> On 19/12/13 13:08, Peter Klügl wrote:
>>>>> Am 19.12.2013 12:31, schrieb Jens Grivolla:
>>>>>> Ok, it's time to seriously get started on this.
>>>>>> I guess we can start with the GSCL workshop description, and maybe
>>>>>> make it more inclusive for other frameworks (GATE, etc.)
>>>>>> We need a couple of organizers (me, Renaud, ...?) and a potential PC
>>>>>> (again, start with the one from GSCL) preferably with a few already
>>>>>> confirmed PC members (Richard, ...)
>>>>> If the workshop is more inclusive for other frameworks, maybe it's
>>>>> reasonable to ask one of the GATE people whether they want to
>>>>> co-organize the workshop.
>>>> Yes, we definitely would need to reach out to them.  First we need to
>>>> decide: do we want a more focused workshop (just UIMA), or are the
>>>> problems faced by GATE users (and others) sufficiently similar that we
>>>> can learn from each other?
>>>> If we want to get the GATE people in there: does anybody have contacts
>>>> in that community?
>>>>> I won't be able to help with the organization, but maybe as a part of
>>>>> the PC.
>>>> I take that as having you as a confirmed PC member ;-)
>>>>> I can also not promise that I will submit something, but I will motivate
>>>>> our working group.
>>>> Ok, that's great.
>>>> I started the draft proposal here:
>>>> https://github.com/jgrivolla/coling2014-nlp-framework-workshop
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jens

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