Hi Armin,

I'll answer in-line below.

On 04.06.2014, at 10:04, armin.weg...@bka.bund.de wrote:

> Hello Richard!
> I would like to have a writer that writes all mentions of a given type. The 
> type is given by name as a AE parameter. The way the mentions are formatted 
> should be interchangeable. So the formatter varies and should be encapsulated 
> as a AE resource (or maybe not?).
> public class AnnotationWriter extends CasConsumer_ImplBase {
>       public static final String PARA_TYPE_NAME = "typeName";
>       /**
>        * The name of the type whose mentions are to be written.
>        */
>       @ConfigurationParameter(name = PARA_TYPE_NAME, mandatory = true)
>       private String mTypeName;
>       /**
>        * The type whose mentions are to be written.
>        */
>       private Type mType;
>       public static final String RES_ANNOTATION_FORMATTER = 
> "annotationFormatter";
>       @ExternalResource(key = RES_ANNOTATION_FORMATTER, mandatory = true)
>       private AnnotationFormatter mFormatter;
>       @Override
>       public void typeSystemInit(final TypeSystem typeSystem) throws 
> AnalysisEngineProcessException {
>               super.typeSystemInit(typeSystem);
>               mType = typeSystem.getType(typeName);
>       }
>       @Override
>       public final void process(final CAS cas) throws 
> AnalysisEngineProcessException {
>               /*
>                * Write all annotations of the given type.
>                */
>               try (final Writer writer = // build a writer) {
>                       for (final AnnotationFS annotation : 
> CasUtil.select(cas, type)) {
> writer.append(mAnnotationFormatter.format(annotation));
>                       }
>               } catch (IOException cause) {
>                       throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(cause);
>               }
>       }
> }
> This is the interface for all formatters.
> public interface AnnotationFormatter {
>       String format(final AnnotationFS annotation);
> }
> This is a concrete implementation of a formatter. The problem is that this is 
> not an external resource. There is no file, no dictionary, no data base 
> connection, or what ever. It is just a simple object. Most likely, this is 
> not how a UIMA resource should be used.

You are probably right that the original authors of the shard resources 
mechanism didn't have the use-case of using a the shared resources as a generic 
strategy pattern in mind. I personally think that this is a perfectly valid 

> public class TsvAnnotationFormatter extends Resource_ImplBase implements 
> AnnotationFormatter {
>       public static final String PARA_FEATURE_NAMES = "featureNames";
>       /**
>        * This would be nice but does not work.
>                */
>       @ConfigurationParameter(name = PARA_FEATURE_NAMES, mandatory = true)
>       private String[] mFeatureNames;
>       @Override
>       public final String format(final AnnotationFS annotation) {
>               // Pretty print the given features' values.
>       }
> } 
> As you said, String[] works fine with SharedResourceObject. But 
> SharedResourceObject demands a real resource to be loaded which I don't have.

I would see that differently. The SharedResourceObject *allows* to load a real 
resources, but you can choose to pass in dummy value (maybe even null). But I 
feel with you. Since some time, I have been playing with the idea of changing 
the uimaFIT Resource_ImplBase to implement SharedResourceObject (for the better 
parameter support) and turning the load(DataResource aData) basically into a 
no-op so that subclasses do not have to implement it.

> There is a simple solution to this: Omit the pseudo resource and make 
> featureNames a parameter of AnnotationWriter. I can still use the formatter 
> interface but only internally to the writer. But I have to code a new writer 
> for each annotation formatter. That works fine but is not the kind of 
> modularization I would like to have.

There is another way of implementing strategies that are not aware of UIMA and 
that do not implement any of the UIMA interfaces. uimaFIT provides the concept 
of a ResourceLocator. Such a locator is basically a factory that knows how to 
instantiate the kind of non-UIMA objects that you want to use in your analysis 
engine. An example is given in Section 7.2 of the uimaFIT manual [1].

I have been playing with the idea of implementing a generic JavaBeanInjector 
based on the ResourceLocator support, e.g.

AnalysisEngineDescription desc = createEngineDescription(
      JavaBeanInjector.PARAM_CLASS, MyJavaBeanClass.class
      "field1", "value1",

The AE would look like this:

  static final String RES_BEAN = "bean";
  @ExternalResource(key = RES_BEAN)
  MyJavaBeanClass bean; // Could also use an interface here

It should be easy to implement such a JavaBeanInjector if you want to try this 
approach. Basically the JavaBeanInjector would use the Java reflection API to 
instantiate the class and fill in the fields. Using helpers from Spring or 
Apache Commons, it should be possible to do this with just a few lines of code.

What do you think?


-- Richard

[1] http://uima.apache.org/d/uimafit-current/tools.uimafit.book.html#d5e519

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