Hi Richard,

sounds good, but, honestly, that's too much Java EE for me. I'm
willing to try it, but I maybe won't understand it. It would be great
if you could provide a typical and complete example to use and modify
for similar tasks.

Thank you,

On 6/13/14, Richard Eckart de Castilho <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Armin,
> I'll answer in-line below.
> On 04.06.2014, at 10:04, armin.weg...@bka.bund.de wrote:
>> Hello Richard!
>> I would like to have a writer that writes all mentions of a given type.
>> The type is given by name as a AE parameter. The way the mentions are
>> formatted should be interchangeable. So the formatter varies and should be
>> encapsulated as a AE resource (or maybe not?).
>> public class AnnotationWriter extends CasConsumer_ImplBase {
>>      public static final String PARA_TYPE_NAME = "typeName";
>>      /**
>>       * The name of the type whose mentions are to be written.
>>       */
>>      @ConfigurationParameter(name = PARA_TYPE_NAME, mandatory = true)
>>      private String mTypeName;
>>      /**
>>       * The type whose mentions are to be written.
>>       */
>>      private Type mType;
>>      public static final String RES_ANNOTATION_FORMATTER =
>> "annotationFormatter";
>>      @ExternalResource(key = RES_ANNOTATION_FORMATTER, mandatory = true)
>>      private AnnotationFormatter mFormatter;
>>      @Override
>>      public void typeSystemInit(final TypeSystem typeSystem) throws
>> AnalysisEngineProcessException {
>>              super.typeSystemInit(typeSystem);
>>              mType = typeSystem.getType(typeName);
>>      }
>>      @Override
>>      public final void process(final CAS cas) throws
>> AnalysisEngineProcessException {
>>              /*
>>               * Write all annotations of the given type.
>>               */
>>              try (final Writer writer = // build a writer) {
>>                      for (final AnnotationFS annotation : 
>> CasUtil.select(cas, type)) {
>> writer.append(mAnnotationFormatter.format(annotation));
>>                      }
>>              } catch (IOException cause) {
>>                      throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(cause);
>>              }
>>      }
>> }
>> This is the interface for all formatters.
>> public interface AnnotationFormatter {
>>      String format(final AnnotationFS annotation);
>> }
>> This is a concrete implementation of a formatter. The problem is that this
>> is not an external resource. There is no file, no dictionary, no data base
>> connection, or what ever. It is just a simple object. Most likely, this is
>> not how a UIMA resource should be used.
> You are probably right that the original authors of the shard resources
> mechanism didn't have the use-case of using a the shared resources as a
> generic strategy pattern in mind. I personally think that this is a
> perfectly valid use-case.
>> public class TsvAnnotationFormatter extends Resource_ImplBase implements
>> AnnotationFormatter {
>>      public static final String PARA_FEATURE_NAMES = "featureNames";
>>      /**
>>       * This would be nice but does not work.
>>               */
>>      @ConfigurationParameter(name = PARA_FEATURE_NAMES, mandatory = true)
>>      private String[] mFeatureNames;
>>      @Override
>>      public final String format(final AnnotationFS annotation) {
>>              // Pretty print the given features' values.
>>      }
>> }
>> As you said, String[] works fine with SharedResourceObject. But
>> SharedResourceObject demands a real resource to be loaded which I don't
>> have.
> I would see that differently. The SharedResourceObject *allows* to load a
> real resources, but you can choose to pass in dummy value (maybe even null).
> But I feel with you. Since some time, I have been playing with the idea of
> changing the uimaFIT Resource_ImplBase to implement SharedResourceObject
> (for the better parameter support) and turning the load(DataResource aData)
> basically into a no-op so that subclasses do not have to implement it.
>> There is a simple solution to this: Omit the pseudo resource and make
>> featureNames a parameter of AnnotationWriter. I can still use the
>> formatter interface but only internally to the writer. But I have to code
>> a new writer for each annotation formatter. That works fine but is not the
>> kind of modularization I would like to have.
> There is another way of implementing strategies that are not aware of UIMA
> and that do not implement any of the UIMA interfaces. uimaFIT provides the
> concept of a ResourceLocator. Such a locator is basically a factory that
> knows how to instantiate the kind of non-UIMA objects that you want to use
> in your analysis engine. An example is given in Section 7.2 of the uimaFIT
> manual [1].
> I have been playing with the idea of implementing a generic JavaBeanInjector
> based on the ResourceLocator support, e.g.
> AnalysisEngineDescription desc = createEngineDescription(
>   MyAnalysisEngine2.class,
>     MyAnalysisEngine2.RES_BEAN,
> createExternalResourceDescription(JavaBeanInjector.class,
>       JavaBeanInjector.PARAM_CLASS, MyJavaBeanClass.class
>       "field1", "value1",
>       ...));
> The AE would look like this:
>   static final String RES_BEAN = "bean";
>   @ExternalResource(key = RES_BEAN)
>   MyJavaBeanClass bean; // Could also use an interface here
> It should be easy to implement such a JavaBeanInjector if you want to try
> this approach. Basically the JavaBeanInjector would use the Java reflection
> API to instantiate the class and fill in the fields. Using helpers from
> Spring or Apache Commons, it should be possible to do this with just a few
> lines of code.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> -- Richard
> [1] http://uima.apache.org/d/uimafit-current/tools.uimafit.book.html#d5e519

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