
use an import-by-name that looks up the resource in the classpath, e.g.

    <import name="desc.type.POS"/>
    <import name="desc.type.Morpheme"/>

Looks for the "desc/type/POS.xml" and "desc/type/Morpheme.xml" in the
classpath (i.e. within your Maven dependencies).

See also 


-- Richard

> On 04.02.2016, at 21:25, José Tomás Atria <jtat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm using JCasGen to generate the type system for a specific research
> project. This type system is an extension of a generic type system that we
> use internally in our lab.
> Until now, I have been doing this by copying the XML descriptor for the
> generic type system to a file in my development machine, and then including
> a hard coded reference to its path in the specified type system, but I
> would like to remove that hard-coded reference and reference instead the
> copy of the type system description that is included in the resources of
> our lab's API library, distributed over maven.
> e.g. right now, my type system descriptor includes the line:
> <import location="file://path/to/a/local/folder/LabTypeSystem.xml"/>
> I want to remove that reference and instead pull "LabTypeSystem.xml" from
> the resources contained in the jar of a maven dependency.
> I tried doing this instead:
> <import location="
> jar:file:/path/to/maven/repo/lab/group/id/lab-api-artifact/version/
> lab-api-artifact-version.jar!/desc/type/LabTypeSystem.xml"/>
> (i.e. the URL I got from
> doing getClass().getResource("desc/type/LabTypeSystem.xml").toString() )
> but this resulted in a NullPointerException (which is surely a bug in
> JCasGen...), but in any case, that would just replace one hardcoded
> reference by another (i.e. to the local maven repo).
> Is there any way to make JCasGen resolve resources in mavenized jars?
> Hope I made myself clear...
> Thanks!
> jta.

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