
StringLists as any other List Feature Structure are currently not
supported by Ruta. You are welcome to open a request for it.

Right now, only Arrays like uima.cas.StringArray are supported. Is that
an option for you?

A double backslash (\\) will probably cause a parse error. A double
slash (//) should work just fine.

Is there an exception?



Am 19.04.2017 um 13:42 schrieb Ding Haoqi:
> Hi all,
> I defined a Annotation  class with a feature named probList who's  rangetype 
> is StringList in my type system,but what shoul I do to set the value of the 
> feature probList in RUTA script?By ADD action or SETFEATURE action?If the 
> name of Annotation is Diag,it has the feature probList,I have try the 
> following scripts:
>> //add some elements to the list PROBLIST
>> ADD(PROLIST,"stringexpression1");
>> ADD(PROLIST,"stringexpression2");
>> Diag{->SETFEATURE("probList",PROBLIST)};
>> Document{->Diag.probList = PROBLIST};
> but is seems doesn't work, the value of the feature probList is null and 
> there is no ERROR message.
> by the way,if I use the double backslash(//) as the comment marker, all the 
> scripts behind the comment marker will be ignore evenif I have started a new 
> line.for the prior example, only the line 1 script will acturelly work.
> Is there anything I can do to run the scripts right?
> Best,
> Ding Haoqi

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