
Tokens are referenced by org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference
which seem to be referenced by arrays of
 Most of the classes referencing these things are AST classes in the
org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node package.

Here's our properties file:

runtime.log.logsystem.class =

runtime.log.error.stacktrace = false
runtime.log.warn.stacktrace = false = false
runtime.log.invalid.reference = true

output.encoding=UTF-8 = velocityCount
directive.foreach.counter.initial.value = 1

resource.loader = class

class.resource.loader.description = Velocity Classpath Resource Loader
class.resource.loader.class =

velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.local.scope = true


On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Nathan Bubna <> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Bradley Wagner
> <> wrote:
> > Thanks for the input.
> >
> > What we're seeing is that Velocity seems to be holding on to a lot
> > of org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.Token objects (around 5 million).
> We
> > allow people to write arbitrary Velocity templates in our system and are
> > evaluating them with:
> >
> > VelocityEngine.evaluate(Context context, Writer writer, String logTag,
> > Reader reader)
> >
> > I was under the impression that Templates evaluated this way are
> inherently
> > not cacheable. Is that the case? If that's not true, is there a way to
> > control the cache Velocity is using for these?
> me too.  just out of curiosity, what properties are you using for
> configuration?  and can you tell any more about what class is holding
> onto those Tokens?
> > On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Alex Fedotov <> wrote:
> >
> >> I think that Velocity has one global hash table for macros from the *.vm
> >> libraries and that is more or less static for the life time of the
> Velocity
> >> engine.
> >>
> >> I wish there there was a mechanism to control the list of the *.vm files
> >> and their order of lookup for each individual merge (thread). This would
> >> facilitate macro overloads based on the context.
> >> Unfortunately this feature is not available.
> >>
> >> I think the 1.7 behavior is (more or less):
> >>
> >> When template reference is found (i.e. #parse("x")) it is looked-up in
> the
> >> resource cache and if found there (with all the expiration checks, etc.)
> >> the parsed AST tree is used.
> >> If not found the template is loaded from the file, actually parsed and
> put
> >> into the cache. During the actual parsing process the macros that are
> >> defined in the template are put into the macro manager cache which is
> >> organized as:
> >> "defining template name (name space)" => "macro name" => AST macro code
> >> The AST is then rendered in the current context running #parse.
> >>
> >> When the time comes to call a macro there is a lookup process which can
> be
> >> influenced by some props, but the most general case is:
> >>
> >> 1. Lookup in the global *.vm files, if found use that.
> >> 2. Lookup in the same "name space" that calls the macro, if found use
> that.
> >> 3. Going back through the "list" of the #parse-d templates lookup in
> each
> >> name space on the stack.
> >>
> >> The stack can be actually very long too, for example
> >>
> >> #foreach($templ in [1..5])
> >>   #parse("${templ}.vtl")
> >> #end
> >>
> >> #mymacro()
> >>
> >> The lookup list here would contain:
> >>
> >> 1.vtl, 2.vtl, 3.vtl, 4.vtl, 5.vtl
> >>
> >> This is true even for cases where the name is the same:
> >>
> >> #foreach($item in [1..5])
> >>   #parse('item.vtl')
> >> #end
> >>
> >> The lookup list here would contain:
> >>
> >> item.vtl, item.vtl, item.vtl, item.vtl, item.vtl
> >>
> >> There is no attempt to optimize the lookup list and collapse the
> >> duplicates.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately 1.7 also had some nasty concurrency bugs there that had
> to do
> >> with clearing the name space of all the macros and repopulating it
> again on
> >> each parse which did not work at all with multiple threads.
> >> One thread could clear the name space while another was doing a lookup,
> >> etc.
> >>
> >> I think there was an effort to redesign that part in 2.0, but I have not
> >> looked at that yet.
> >>
> >> Alex
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Bradley Wagner <
> >>> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > We recently made some changes to our software to use just a single
> >> > VelocityEngine as per recommendations on this group.
> >> >
> >> > We ran into an issue where macros were all of the sudden being shared
> >> > across template renders because we had not
> >> > specified: velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.local.scope = true.
> >> > However, we also had not ever turned on caching in our props file
> >> > with: class.resource.loader.cache = true.
> >> >
> >> > Does this mean that macros are cached separately from whatever is
> being
> >> > cached in the class.resource.loader.cache cache? Is there any way to
> >> > control that caching or is just using this property the
> >> > way: velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.local.scope = true
> >> >
> >> > One side effect of our recent changes is that the app seems to have an
> >> > increased mem footprint. We're not *sure* it can be attributed to
> >> velocity
> >> > but I was trying to see what kinds of things Velocity could be
> hanging on
> >> > to and how much memory they might be taking up.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks!
> >> >
> >>

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