Velocity doesn't provide anything but the syntax.  You will have to
seek documentation from Vosao CMS.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:57 PM, ANS Developer Team <> wrote:
> Hi all, I'm trying to find a list all of the above that can be used in a
> template, preferably with a brief description of what it does (but that's
> not entirely necessary).
> I'm building site using the Velocity-based Vosao CMS, and have no idea what
> what methods, properties, and variables are available to me except the
> sparse few used in the example Blog app.
> For example there's a $page.friendlyURL property, but what other properties
> does $page have?  Having trouble finding this information.
> I've found the Velocity VTL Reference Guide, but that's more of a syntax
> uide without a comprehensive list, and I've found the online Velocity API
> docs, but that's overkill and I still can't find the $page object in it
> (not sure what class it's in).
> Any help on this much appreciated!

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