does anyone know something about this topic ?

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             @inet                                                      An
             13.11.2007 14:59                                        Kopie
              Bitte antworten           SchemaType - get annotation for
                    an                  Element                        
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            

Hi all,

I ´m pretty new to XmlBeans and try to exctract the annotation information
for XmlBenas from Xml-Schema in a generic way.

Now I encountered the problem that I don´t get annotation information for
XmlBenas with SchemaType   Element  (myObj.schemaType().getAnnotation()
returns null).
When the SchemaType is T (Type) then all of the information is available.

I have searched through the mailing list and found some entries on this
topic but unfortunately not the solution.

Can anyone tell me  how to get the annotation information from Elements ?


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