you managed to figure out that SchemaCodePrinter is not a class, and still
tried to instantiate it? being an interface it provides you with a contract
so that you can have your own implementation

2008/12/19 michael <>

> Hi again,
> I have a new question for xmlbeans API since i managed to compile and
> excercise a little bit.
> I wonder if there is a way to print on screen a single schema component
> (eg. an element,a type etc)
> I found on doc an interface called : SchemaCodePrinter
> that implements 3 methods
> *Method Summary*
> | void|         |*printLoader
> <
> >*(Writer
> <> writer,
> SchemaTypeSystem
> <
> system)|
>          *Deprecated.* /Obsoleted by functionality in
> ||/
> | void|         |*printType
> <
> >*(Writer
> <> writer,
> SchemaType
> <
> sType)|
> | void|         |*printTypeImpl
> <
> >*(Writer
> <> writer,
> SchemaType
> <
> sType)|
> I am trying to use it ,so i wrote this piece of code
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> //STS is a SchemaTypeSystem....
> SchemaType ST[] = STS.globalTypes()
> SchemaCodePrinter SCP;
>    StringWriter SW = new StringWriter();
>    String SCPstring;
>    SCP.printType(SW,ST[0]);
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and i get as an error message this :
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The local variable SCP may not have been initialized
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> But the SchemaCodePrinter is not a class so when do a new
> SchemaCodePrinter i get
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cannot instantiate the type SchemaCodePrinter
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How i can modulate this code to print on screen the schema component?
> For start i want to print it on screen and then put it on a file for
> work purposes.
> Thanks in advance,
> Michael
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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