Hi Ashish,

Ashish<deXter> chougule wrote:

> My problem is that there are domain objects used across multiple projects
> .
> There are few projects which require to convert these domain objects to
> XMLs. Each project needs to have its own format.
> I am a beginner with xstream and after going through the tutorials I think
> we can't do this using annotations.(please correct me if I am wrong)
> So I looked at the api provided by Xstream class (.alias(....)).
> I could manage to get different XML outputs from same object.
> But soon I landed  on another problem which was what if someone in my team
> innocently changed the field name (the alias methods take a string ) that
> will  break my XML generation. Can I put some kind of constrain so that
> the compiler could tell me if some thing is changed.(I know this is out of
> the scope of xstream but.. Would be great if someone could help me
> out..also I know setter getters would Change but again that will not
> guaranty that the string in the alias method would change )
> So please help me with this problem..
> How can I cleanly get this "multiple XML outputs from same class "

Well, you're asking different questions. Answering about the different XML 
output first:

As usual, the solution depends on your case:

1/ If you want to produce different XML from the same object graph, you 
should use different XStream instances that are configured differently.

2/ If you want to produce different XML for object of the same type in one 
object graph, you can work with different local converters for the 
individual instances.

The other question is, how can you ensure that the generated XML format of 
persisted objects is stable over several revisions of your code? XStream is 
very convenient in persisting arbitrary objects in XML, but large parts of 
it are based on reflection and the internals of your implementation will be 
reflected therefore in the generated XML. This is brittle concerning 
multiple software releases - as you already found out! XStream is in this 
regard no way better than Java serialization.

If you want to keep the XML over revisions, you should definitely use custom 
converters for the persisted objects that do not use reflection - at least 
for those types that contain user data, their structure might change over 
time with changing requirements.

A custom converter can be often easily adjusted to read old and XML format 
styles of an object at once. Personally I always add a constant revision 
number to the root object that is read at unmarshalling time and stored in 
the context so that any custom converter might access it to react 
accordingly. Since a custom converter uses typically no reflection to access 
the handled object, you will get normally compilation errors if someone 
changes that class in an incompatible way.

However, you should really use proper unit tests that are executed as part 
of the build process. Create small XML snippets that contain the different 
aspects of your object graph and let it parse by the XStream instance. Use 
the generated object to create XML again and compare the resulting XML. You 
will normally be warned then if something significantly has changed.

- Jörg

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