this.toJSONString returns a JSON string, a well-formatted json string.

"the_whole_json_stuff" was just my way of  asking to actually how to get
the deserialize the whole json string without actually specifying a node in
the string like:

xstream.alias("product", Product.class);

So how do you deserialize a JSON string with XStream?

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Jörg Schaible <>wrote:

> Hi,
> xybrek wrote:
> > I'm trying to deserialize a JSON string with XStream like this:
> > private <T> T createTObjectWithXStream(Class<T> clazz){
> > XStream xstream = new XStreamGae(new JettisonMappedXmlDriver());
> > T obj = null;
> > try {
> > String json = this.toJSONString();
> > obj = (T) xstream.fromXML(json);
> > } catch (Exception e) {
> > LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "XStream cannot deserialize this object: " +
> > e.getMessage());
> > }
> > return obj;
> > }
> >
> > I need to deserialize the whole String as a type of clazz. However from
> > the examples I need to do like:
> >
> > xstream.alias("product", Product.class);
> >
> > However, this seems for deserializing specific node, what should be done
> > for working on the whole json string? Like
> >
> > xstream.alias("the_whole_json_stuff", clazz);
> >
> > Also the result of e.getMessage is 'contentType' what's that suppose to
> > mean?
> So, what is 'this'? What is 'json'? What do you mean with
> "the_whole_json_stuff"?
> Sorry, but I don't get a clue what you try to ask.
> - Jörg
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