Hi Remko,

Remko Tronçon wrote:

> Hi Jörg
>> Look at the converter tutorial. The last example at the end will do this
>> also.
> Oh, I must have missed that one. That seems to indeed do exactly what I
> wanted.
>> Since I assume, that your type containing the Optional is currently
>> handled by one of XStream's reflection-based converters, you may use
>> following non- obvious approach by wrapping the ReflectionProvider:
> Works like a charm!
>> I also assume that this is Java to XML only i.e. no deserialization,
>> because those fields containing Optionals referencing null will no longer
>> be initialized.
> Understood. I'm falling back on readResolve for filling in the gaps.

Yeah, but take care, readResolve is not hierarchically called in contrast to 

> Thanks a lot for your help!

You're welcome.

- Jörg

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