Hi Jörg

> A converter is called because it claims to handle a Class, i.e. for an
> instance of
> ============ %< ==========
>  class Bar {
>    Optional<String> opt = new Optional<String>("foo");
>    Object obj = new Optional<String>("bar");
>    List<Optional<String>> l =
>      Collections.singletonList(new Optional<String>("baz"));
>  }
> ============ %< ==========
> your converter would be called 3 times. The ParametrizedType can be provided
> only for the instance in the field 'opt'. You would get nothing for the
> instance in field 'obj' nor for the one in the list.

Sure, that's clear. But if you are in the first case (as I am), then
you can't get to the ParameterizedType today from the convertor,

thanks for all your help,

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