Hi Jörg,

Am 21.10.2013 15:02, schrieb Jörg Schaible:
Hi Cedric,

Cedric Reichenbach wrote:

Hi everybody,

I'm using XStream to serialize objects before sending them into a
different JVM. Until now, I the JVMs were running on the same machine
and I knew the class path of the objects, so I could create custom
ClassLoader knowing all necessary directories and provide it to XStream.
You mean, your clients were no compiled against the types you have
serialized with XStream and you did setup a classpath on the fly, because
you knew the location of the class files?
One side was compiled against those types, the other side not. To make it a bit more clear: It's DoodleDebug (http://scg.unibe.ch/wiki/projects/DoodleDebug), an Eclipse plugin which receives objects to visualize in the user code, sends them to a server (inside Eclipse JVM) visualizing them in an Eclipse view.

Now the current server application should be converted into a clustered log, not running on the client's local machine anymore.
However, now I'm trying to send those objects to a remote application,
which doesn't have any information about those object's classes. Since I
would like to avoid passing around class files, is there a way of
deserializing objects with XStream without their class files?
XStream works like Java serialization, just with XML as data representation.
To deserialize, XStream has to instantiate the classes and requires
therefore the class files. With a different set of converters and/or XStream
setup you may deserialize the XML into a differnt set of objects, but I
guess this is not what you're up to.

- Jörg
Hmm, so I guess I'll have to find a way to provide class files to the server side application...

Thanks for your help.


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