Of course were very interested, and encouraging :)

But, 'scuse me for asking, but how faithful was the port of java to 
js/actionscrpt?  Would git recognize the 'fork' of individual source files?

- ph

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 31, 2014, at 11:52 PM, "kokori...@gmail.com" <kokori...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello, XStream users!
> I ported XStream to AS3 and called that library AStream. You can see it here: 
> https://github.com/kokorin/AStream
> AStream currently supports:
> - Primitive types (int, uint, Number, String, Boolean and null)
> - Complex types
> - Enums (based on as3.lang.Enum)
> - Collections: Array, typed Vector and all collections from Flex (based on 
> mx.collections.IList)
> - Implicit collections (without separate parent tag)
> - Classes implementing IExternalizable
> - Aliases for class, property and package
> - Different types of handling cycle- and cross-references in object
> - Output customization with metadata and code
> Does anyone interested in that port?
> Is there a chance that it would be mentioned on XStream site?
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