If you had something that worked before but now does not, can you make a
smallest-possible example of that?

1. A java unit test (that does multi-threading)
2. a pom.xml that in some way allows you to go back and forth on:


3. Maybe bisect through xstream releases to find the one that moved you
from working to broken..

- Paul

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Huang, Ming <mhu...@cghtech.com> wrote:

> Hi
>         We recently updated xstream from from version 1.3.1 to 1.4.7 in
> our application. We found that the application would sometimes hang. Doing
> jstack and found that the threads were in the lines of at
> com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.PrioritizedList.iterator(PrioritizedList.java:44).
> Attached is the full stack.  Can someone help me on this? Do I need to put
> synchronized around XStream.toXML() call?
> Thanks
> Ming
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