
I have to export a database into a XML file. As the objects contain BLOBs, I 
implemented a Converter
for BLOBs:

  public void marshal(Object source, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, 
MarshallingContext context) {
      Blob blob = (Blob) source;
      context.convertAnother(blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length()));

This will read the whole BLOB into a byte array and delegate to 
EncodedByteArrayConverter. But the
BLOBs are much too large to fit into the heap. So I have to find a way to 
stream this data (base64
encoded) into the output file.

However, I can not find any method in HierarchicalStreamWriter which would 
allow to stream character

As I already posted this question on the wrong list (dev instead of user, 
sorry), I got the hint to
use Woodstox and its interface XMLStreamWriter2, which apparently would allow 
to stream data. But I
have no idea, how I can get access to the underlying Woodstox writer inside of 
a Converter.

In the above method, I can call "writer.underlyingWriter()", which returns an 
instance of
StaxWriter. But this StaxWriter does not give access to its XMLStreamWriter.

How is it possible to stream data from a Converter into the output?


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