Also is there a specific directory SOGo compile process is looking for the libs and headers. When I add the libs and headers the configuration step can't find the libs / headers.

Robert Himics

On Dec 11, 2023 3:43 AM, qhivert <> wrote:


1 – When compiling SOGo / SOPE , Is this a 32bit or 64 Bit Application?
It’s for 64 bit

2 – Can both (SOGo / SOPE ) be compiled / Run on Fedora 37 ?
I can’t say yes for sure as I never dit it but I don’t see why it couldn’t be. Usually the only problems is to find and install the correct package for this OS.


3 -  When I first tried to Compile on Fedore 37,  It could NOT File the Libraries  for MariaDB/mySQL XML2 and possible Others
        I installed the GNUStep that’s part of the Fedora 37 Yum Repo

What is the gnutsep version ? It should be 1.28 for sogo to work. For the others RHEL OS we support, we provide our own package for gnustep. You may try to download them, look at


4 – and Since the dovecot I’ve setup Uses MariaDB as it’s backend (How do I disable the Need for PostgreSQL and LDAP

In that case sogo parameter SOGoUserSources should be link to the table use by dovecot for the users.
You may need to make hook/trigger to synchronize your different user table.




From: <> On Behalf Of "Robert Himics"
Sent: samedi 9 décembre 2023 04:18
Subject: RE: [SOGo] Questions Regarding SOGo / before Compliling


Hello – Have a Few Questions Regarding SOGo and SOPE

1 – When compiling SOGo / SOPE , Is this a 32bit or 64 Bit Application?
2 – Can both (SOGo / SOPE ) be compiled / Run on Fedora 37 ?

3 -  When I first tried to Compile on Fedore 37,  It could NOT File the Libraries  for MariaDB/mySQL XML2 and possible Others
        I installed the GNUStep that’s part of the Fedora 37 Yum Repo

4 – and Since the dovecot I’ve setup Uses MariaDB as it’s backend (How do I disable the Need for PostgreSQL and LDAP


Rob Himics


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