On 27/11/2007, Robert Thullner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I am writing my master thesis about EAI solutions and open sources
> frameworks for it. A part of the thesis shall be to categorize the parts
> what make up an EAI solution. So what I try to find now, are categories
> which are part of an EAI solution (see the categories I have until now
> below). What I will try to do then is to use open source products
> (frameworks) in the categories and find scenarios which will be implemented.
> I will then try to make assumptions in which scenarios perhaps a MOM is
> enough for a solution or under which cases I will need a lot more products,
> where I need a combination of products, which combinations are useful, which
> do not work together, etc.
> My categories (parts) right now are:
> - Message Oriented Middleware, like ActiveMQ, JBossMQ
> - ESB, like ServiceMix, Mule
> - Pattern implementations, like Camel
> - Rule engines, like Drools
> - BPEL engines
> My question to you is, what do you think about my categories and which
> categories do you think are missing, what would you add to my list? My
> intention for this post is to end up in a discussion, so please participate.

Sounds a pretty good list so far. You might wanna add to the list
runtime containers (e.g. OSGi/JBI containers like ServiceMix, web
containers like Tomcat/Jetty or JEE containers like Geronimo/JBoss).


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