On Nov 27, 2007, at 3:30 AM, Robert Thullner wrote:


I am writing my master thesis about EAI solutions and open sources
frameworks for it. A part of the thesis shall be to categorize the parts what make up an EAI solution. So what I try to find now, are categories
which are part of an EAI solution (see the categories I have until now
below). What I will try to do then is to use open source products
(frameworks) in the categories and find scenarios which will be implemented. I will then try to make assumptions in which scenarios perhaps a MOM is enough for a solution or under which cases I will need a lot more products, where I need a combination of products, which combinations are useful, which
do not work together, etc.

My categories (parts) right now are:
- Message Oriented Middleware, like ActiveMQ, JBossMQ
- ESB, like ServiceMix, Mule
- Pattern implementations, like Camel
- Rule engines, like Drools
- BPEL engines

You will also always need at least one (and often many) "data transformation" engine. This will usually be Saxon or it's like for XML manipulation and either homegrown or something like Cosmos DataJunction for other structured data.

My question to you is, what do you think about my categories and which
categories do you think are missing, what would you add to my list? My
intention for this post is to end up in a discussion, so please participate.



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