On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:14 PM, icfantv <adam.gor...@readytalk.com> wrote:
> So, "technically" timeouts are supported for TCP Transports.  Here are the
> URI configuration parameters:
> http://activemq.apache.org/tcp-transport-reference.html
> http://activemq.apache.org/tcp-transport-reference.html

Yes, the connectionTimeout is used when connecting to a socket via TCP
(maybe this would work for you?) and the soTimeout is used to timeout
reads on a socket.

> And, if one uses the standard TCP URL of tcp://localhost:61616 and ActiveMQ
> is not running, one (correctly and immediately) gets a JMSException (caused
> by a ConnectionException) with the reason being that the connection is
> refused.


> However, in debugging, I noticed that if one uses the DEFAULT connection
> URL, these parameters are ignored and the default TCP URL of
> tcp://localhost:61616 is actually failover://tcp://localhost:61616.


> It's not obvious to me yet what the significance of the failover protocol
> actually means, but I'm still digging.

The failover transport adds reconnect features on top of the other
transports so that if the connection to a broker fails, the failover
transport automatically reconnects to another URI in the list. This
can be used with just a single URI as well.

perl -e 'print 

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