On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:15 PM, magellings <mark.gelli...@qg.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> Does anyone know if there is logic in activeMQ to retry connecting to a
> database if JDBC master/slave is configured?  Perhaps there is some
> configuration I'm missing.  Right now we log ship from the active Sql Server
> database to the passive Sql Server database.  During maintenance it would be
> nice to fail to the passive database without impacting the ActiveMQ broker
> and requiring a restart.  When I tested I just stopped the sql server
> windows service and the active ActiveMQ broker shut down requiring a manual
> startup.
> Current JDBC master/slave configuration snippets:
> <persistenceAdapter>
>  <jdbcPersistenceAdapter dataSource="#mssql-ds"/>
> </persistenceAdapter>
> ...
> <bean id="mssql-ds" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
> destroy-method="close">
>  <property name="driverClassName"
> value="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"/>
>  <property name="url"
> value="jdbc:sqlserver://QG076619.qg.com:1433;databaseName=activedb;user=sa;password=pa$$word"/>
>  <property name="username" value="activemq"/>
>  <property name="password" value="pa$$word"/>
> </bean>

This is commonly the job of the connection pooler that you're using. A
good connection pooler will test the connections when they're handed
out from the pool to make sure that they're still in good shape.

I know that c3p0 (http://c3p0.sf.net/) handles this via the
c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout attribute in its configuration. There
are other connection poolers that handle this as well including the
new Tomcat JDBC pooler
which is a rewrite of Commons DBCP (because DBCP is horribly
unmaintained and broken).

perl -e 'print 

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Apache Camel - http://camel.apache.org/
Apache ServiceMix - http://servicemix.apache.org/

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