Hi Gary,

Thanks for the explanation. The order is:

    consumer retrieves message

connection is lost and consumer re-establishes connection to new master broker

    consumer acks the message retrieved from the former broker

    consumer retrieves the same message it just ack'ed.

I guess the question is ... is there a way for the new broker on failover to recognize the consumers that have retrieved message but not ack'ed messages and behave exactly as if they were retrieved from itself (not redispatch unless the connection to the consumer is lost)? I suppose that would require some heuristics to determine how long to wait before those original consumers reconnect.



On 02/24/2010 04:16 PM, Gary Tully wrote:
On failover, redispatch of unacked messages will occur and this is unordered. There is no guarantee that the same consumer will get the same messages after failover of a connection. On the java client there is a message audit that will suppress duplicates that may occur, I think the same is true for the CPP client, but this will not be true for STOMP clients.

What is odd is that you say that messages that have been acked are replayed. This should only occur if the ack did not actually get to the broker. If previously acked messages are getting replayed there is something wrong.

On 24 February 2010 19:02, Josh Carlson <jcarl...@e-dialog.com <mailto:jcarl...@e-dialog.com>> wrote:

    When using a shared file system master/server activemq
    configuration and client acknoledgements we run into a problem when
    our clients fail over to a new server. The problem is that the new
    server does not appear to have any knowledge of pending
    messages that the old server had dispatched to clients.
    Consequently all of these pending messages get dispatched a second
    time even though the clients had acknowledged them.

    I've filed this as a bug here:

    which contains a reproducer using activemq-cpp. I'm posting here
    in the hopes that someone can confirm that they believe this
    something that is suppose to be supported and/or if anyone knows
    of any possible work arounds.

    Any advice is appreciated.


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