I believe I've traced this.

The value 21211 must be enclosed in single quotes. Without quotes it
does not work. Enclosed in double quotes (") it does not work.

It this one of the finer details of the JMS spec does anyone know?


On 20 August 2010 16:30, James Green <james.mk.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using PHP with Stomp for connectivity. Where $o is my Stomp client:
> $o->subscribe("/queue/message.status.outbox", array("selector" =>
> "AccountId = 21211"));
> Leaves the following trace:
> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,362 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>        - Received:
> passcode:
> login:
> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,364 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>        - Sending:
> session:ID:sutton-42986-1282316912321-6:11
> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,407 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>        - Received:
> selector:AccountId = 21212
> ack:client
> activemq.prefetchSize:1
> destination:/queue/message.status.outbox
> But no messages come down. I can see on my broker there is one, with
> an 'AccountId' property set to the number in question.
> Interestingly the messages (not all of which were for the same account
> id) were all sent from a remote broker and they were all transmitted
> over to this local broker as soon as I subscribed despite my selector
> being in place. They now sit locally without any collection unless I
> subscribe without my selector argument.
> Clearly something in my request is not right. What am I doing wrong?
> James

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