yea, it is. Full reference in the java doc, see selectors:

On 23 August 2010 07:53, James Green <> wrote:
> I believe I've traced this.
> The value 21211 must be enclosed in single quotes. Without quotes it
> does not work. Enclosed in double quotes (") it does not work.
> It this one of the finer details of the JMS spec does anyone know?
> James
> On 20 August 2010 16:30, James Green <> wrote:
>> I'm using PHP with Stomp for connectivity. Where $o is my Stomp client:
>> $o->subscribe("/queue/message.status.outbox", array("selector" =>
>> "AccountId = 21211"));
>> Leaves the following trace:
>> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,362 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>>        - Received:
>> passcode:
>> login:
>> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,364 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>>        - Sending:
>> session:ID:sutton-42986-1282316912321-6:11
>> 2010-08-20 16:20:54,407 [] TRACE StompTransportFilter
>>        - Received:
>> selector:AccountId = 21212
>> ack:client
>> activemq.prefetchSize:1
>> destination:/queue/message.status.outbox
>> But no messages come down. I can see on my broker there is one, with
>> an 'AccountId' property set to the number in question.
>> Interestingly the messages (not all of which were for the same account
>> id) were all sent from a remote broker and they were all transmitted
>> over to this local broker as soon as I subscribed despite my selector
>> being in place. They now sit locally without any collection unless I
>> subscribe without my selector argument.
>> Clearly something in my request is not right. What am I doing wrong?
>> James


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