Stan, thank you very much for the prompt reply

On 04/10/10 20:38, Stan Lewis wrote:
activemq's lib directory is the right place for it, make sure you
either put the class in a directory hierarchy that matches the class's
package name or build it into a Jar file.

Ah, see, now you have already found the bounds of my java
knowlege (told you it didn't go very far...).

Here's what I have:

$ cd /tmp
$ cat

public class HelloWorld {

    public String hello(String name) {
        return "Hello " + name;
$ javac
$ cd /usr/local/activemq/lib
$ mkdir -p uk/org/llgc/testing
$ cp /tmp/HelloWorld.class uk/org/llgc/testing

I have that one line defining the bean in camel.xml:

        <bean id="hello" class="HelloWorld"/>

...there must be some other reference to the package that needs
making somewhere, right?

Illtud Daniel                       
Prif Swyddog Technegol                          Chief Technical Officer
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru                  National Library of Wales

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