Just had a peek at the code[1], you need to add
updateClusterClientsOnRemove="true" to your transport connector.

It looks like the cluster info is not aware of the broker failure
(node removal) and as a result does not update then it joins again.


On 25 February 2011 22:14, Joe Smith <joesmithc...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the 5.4.x transport's updateClusterClients="true"
> rebalanceClusterClients="true"  options.
> It works fine as a broker is added to the cluster - the existing connections 
> are
> rebalanced.
> When a broker that's already in the cluster when down, the connections failed
> over successfully to the other broker (clients are using failover://).  
> However,
> when I bring up the failed broker, the connections on the other broker are not
> re-balanced.
> My questions are:
> 1. Does connection re-balancing work in this scenario - where a known broker 
> in
> the cluster comes back on line after a crash?
> 2. What criteria need to be met before re-balance would occur other than when 
> a
> NEW (vs. existing) broker is added to the cluster?  E.g. we have only 24 
> client
> connections, is that too low?
> We tried both 5.4.1 and 5.4.2. Linux. JVM is 1.6.
> Thanks for the help.


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