
ActiveMQ 5.2.0 - PERSISTENT MODE, Windows 2003 Server, Oracle 10

I have successful simple producer and consumer programs I always use for my 
test.(FYI: I can configure it to change No.Of Producers, No.of Consumers, and 
No.of Messages)

In our application, developers reporting to me of a particular job that it is 
not getting 2 paticular messages from activeMQ to complete the Job Process.
Not always but some times.

I saw them pending in ActiveMQ Admin Pages - queue browser.

First test run:

I sent a simple text message "NNP Message" to that same queue, and my consumer 
is waiting to receive them
Whereas Queue browser is showing them as sent and received but no pending.

Program Output:
        Connection Established :: ID:DWD51075520-3438-1298909628155-1:1

        ActiveMQ Machine : tcp://DWDAPPP05PW:63616
        ActiveMQ Queue : UIMJobQueuePreProdTax
        I AM  :: Thread-5

        Consumer STARTED
        Sending Message - 1
        Sending Message - 2
        Sending Message - 3

Second test run:

Same Program, Same Active MQ, But I sent to "different queue" now. Successfully 
Received those Messages

        Connection Established :: ID:DWD51075520-3767-1298911642514-1:1

        ActiveMQ Machine : tcp://DWDAPPP05PW:63616
        ActiveMQ Queue : TestTestTestQ

        I AM  :: Thread-5

        Consumer STARTED
        Sending Message - 1
        Sending Message - 2


        I AM ::Thread-7   Received NNP Message - 1


        I AM ::Thread-7   Received NNP Message - 2


        I AM ::Thread-7   Received NNP Message - 3
        Sending Message - 3

This is really giving us a big problem, as that job is very crucial to be 
completed in time, and due to this problem it is keep on waiting.

I can not suspect their consumer program OR their JMS type of that message, as 
the same thing is happening to my message and program.

I am attaching the ActiveMQ Log snippet, My Testing Programs, Please analyse it 
and help me, I am clue less and very urgent.

Thank You,
Nageswara P Nakarikanti.

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