
I currently for a network of brokers setup and running with queues
fine.  The problem that i am running into is the following:

brokerA <=> brokerB <=> brokerC

if i create a topic pub on  brokerA i cannot see the messages on
brokerC with out adding networkTLL > 1.  If i do this then as i add
more subscribers i start to get duplicates.

my network connector is as follows:
  <networkConnector  uri="static://( hostsremovedtoprotect)"
dynamicOnly="true" name="InterTopicconnect" >
        <topic physicalName="Services.>"/>
  <networkConnector  uri="static://(hostsremovedtoprotect )"
suppressDuplicateQueueSubscriptions="true" networkTTL="4"
name="InterQueueconnect" >
       <queue physicalName="test"/>

Does any one has any suggestions?

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